Research Guides

TAL 203: Survey of Children's Literature

Build Your Stack
Build Your Stack
NCTE's members are readers - for themselves as they seek to grow their professional knowledge, and for their students as they seek to find texts that will inspire - because NCTE members know: the right book in the right hands can transform a life.
Diverse Book Finder
Diverse Book Finder
The Diverse BookFinder is a comprehensive collection of children's picture books featuring Black and Indigenous people and People of Color (BIPOC). We've cataloged and analyzed trade picture books fitting this criteria, published since 2002.
Peer Research Consultants
Want to talk to someone who can help you find what you need?

Peer Research Consultants can help you with:
  • Developing search strategies
  • Finding scholarly resources
  • Creating and managing citations
  • Facilitating meetings with other experts in the Learning Commons

Peer Research Consultants are located in the Learning Commons on the first floor of Otto G. Richter Library on the Coral Gables campus.

Stop by, book an appointment, or call us at 305-284-4722.

To access research help on all three campuses, check out our Ask a Librarian service.

Welcome to the TAL 203: Survey of Children's Literature Guide!

Welcome to the TAL 203: Survey of Children's Literature Guide! This page on the Education Libguide is specifically designed to assist with TAL 203. Think of it as a one-stop-shop for all your research needs. Take a look through this page and other tabs throughout the Education guide for research help.

If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to Ask a Librarian!

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Diversity in Children's Literature

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