Research Guides


Mendeley Subscription ends January 1, 2024
The Mendeley subscription will end on January 1, 2024. If you do not want to pay for a Mendeley subscription and want to keep all of your stored citations, please transfer your citations to another citation manager such as EndNote, RefWorks, or Zotero. If you have any questions contact
Getting started
About UM has an Institutional Edition of Mendeley. It gives UM students, faculty, and staff more storage space.
Four steps to creating an account:

1. Create an Online account using your UM email:
  •  Go to and click on the red box "Create a Free Account"
  •  Fill in the information boxes. Use your UM email address (typically ends in or If you use an email with a different domain, e.g., you will have a free account but independent of the Institutional version.
  •  After you create an account, another screen should appear. The upper left quadrant of the screen is feartured in the image below. Click on the Groups button on the top horizonal bar OR click on + Join a Groups in the lower left corner.
  • To complete the process of joining the UM Institutional edition, in the next screen, click on the line which corresponds to the line highlighted in yellow below:
  •  To confirm your membership put your name in the search bar where your name should appear:

2. Download the Mendeley Desktop to build and organize your collection of references and documents.
3. Install the Mendeley Web Importer into your web browser to import references and documents.
4. Install the Mendeley MS Word Plugin to insert citations and bibliographies directly into your Microsoft Word document.
Need more help?

Jorge Perez

Erica Newcome

Institutional benefits
  • 100 GB personal library space
  • Up to 100 collaborative groups 
  • 100 GB group library space
  • Unlimited public groups of up to 100 members each
  • Unlimited private groups of up to 100 members each
  • 24/5 customer support service

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