Comments for the Music Library

Please use this page to make a comment or suggestion about library services. We will post your suggestion as well as a response.

Comments from Previous Years

1 As a faculty member, I would find it very helpful if there were a direct link to export to Endnote (as there is for Refworks) on the record page. Thank you,

Comment on Thu Dec 18, 2014, 3:11 pm

Dear Professor Callender,

Unfortunately, EndNote does not allow for direct export from the Library Catalog to an EndNote library. You can, however, follow a multistep process to "save records for export" and then "export saved records" to EndNote. 

We anticipate that when UM Libraries adopts a new "discovery" layer (within the next year or so) this process will be simplified.

Using our Articles+ search, the default search on the library website, you can export saved records directly. 

Please contact me if you would like to discuss this further, at

Answered by Lisa Baker, Head, Richter Library Learning & Research Services

2 Do you have the sheet music to "Im just a square in a social circle" from The Stork Club by Ray Evans and Jay Livingston

Comment on Sat Jan 18, 2014, 8:32 pm

Hello, I checked our online catalog and we do not own the sheet music for that piece.  I will look it up to see if I can purchase it for the Music Library.

Answered by Nancy Zavac, Head, Music Library

3 Feeling Stalked in the Stacks? Here's what to do...

Comment on Tue Feb 12, 2013, 11:33 am

Someone recently posted a question to the "Dear V" advice column in the Miami Hurricane, indicating they felt "stalked in the stacks"  since the same person seemed to always sit near them and entered/left the library at the same time.  

If you  feel stalked/followed while in any of our libraries, please either contact  University Public Safety [305-284-6666] or a library staff member, who will contact Public Safety on your behalf. 

We strive to maintain a safe, secure, and comfortable environment for all library users, so if another patron is making you uncomfortable, is noisy, or otherwise disrupting your ability to study, please let us know. 

You can contact us by chat [] or text [305-809-7770], or stop by any library service desk.  Stay safe!

Answered by Cheryl Gowing, Associate Dean, Library Facilities, Space Planning & Organizational Development

4 Book Request for Weeks Music Library: Identification of Versions of the Same Musical Composition: Audio Content-based Approaches and Post-processing Steps ISBN-10: 3847327852 ISBN-13: 978-3847327851

Comment on Thu Aug 23, 2012, 9:25 am

Thank you for this request. I will pass it along to our head music librarian, Nancy Zavac. In the future you can also suggest a purchase through your library account, or by contacting the Music Library directly at 305-284-9885. You can also contact Nancy Zavac directly by phone or email.

Answered by Amy Strickland, Music Librarian and Interim Head

5 Book Requests for Weeks Music Library: Modern Method for Guitar by William Leavitt, Volumes 1-3:

Comment on Wed Jun 6, 2012, 1:54 pm

Thank you for this request. I will pass it along to our head music librarian, Nancy Zavac. In the future you can also suggest a purchase through your library account, or by contacting the Music Library directly at 305-284-9885. You can also contact Nancy Zavac directly by phone or email.

Answered by Amy Strickland, Music Librarian and Interim Head

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